Ştirea numărul 1:
Two earthquakes in Iran kill 300 and injure 5,000Ştirea numărul 2:
Yeganeh Torbati
August 12, 2012
“I saw some people whose entire home was destroyed, and all their livestock killed,” Tahir Sadati, a local photographer, said by telephone. “People need help, they need warm clothes, more tents, blankets and bread.”
Syrian Activists: Communications Down in Flashpoint City of AleppoŞi ştirea cu numărul 3:
VOA News
August 12, 2012
Syrian activists say all communications are down in large parts of the countryside and in the flashpoint city of Aleppo, where government forces reportedly have been pushing rebel forces out of position since last week.
It is unclear what caused the cut in communications since early Sunday. Despite this, the London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said it had reports that the army was continuing to shell rebel-held districts in the country’s largest city. There also were reports of violence elsewhere in the country.
Officials say Clinton is meeting with President Abdullah Gul, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and other Turkish officials to discuss how to deal with neighboring Syria. Turkey is hosting tens of thousands of Syrians who have fled the violence in their home country.
The Next Election: High Stake Outcomes Based on Non-issuesMai e o ştire şi cu un cutremur în China... dar cele trei sunt în principal legate între ele. Legătura este pe la finalul ultimului capitol...
Paul Craig Roberts
Aug 12, 2012
The election of the next puppet president of the “world’s only superpower” is about two and one-half months off, and what are the campaign issues? There aren’t any worthy of the name.
Zâmbeşte, HAARP te urmăreşte!
3 comentarii:
Iar comentez aici pentru dincolo :)
Era un banc pe vremuri. Ceausescu ajuns printr-o eroare in rai. Langa marul cu pricina vrea sa ia o fructa. Apare un arhanghel si ii da o joarda peste maini. Ceausescu mirat inreaba despre ce e vorba iar arhanghelul ii spune ca pentru a manca un mar trebuie sa munceasca intai. Ceausescu pleaca, munceste, se intoarce la mar dar mai ia o joarda. Enervat afla ca trebuie nu numai sa munceasca dar sa faca si planul. Pleaca, face planul, se intoarce la mar si mai ia o joarda peste degete. Mirat si tot mai nervos afla ca ca nu e suficient si ca pentru un mar trebuie neaparat sa depaseasca planul. Pleaca obidit munceste pe rupte si depaseste planul si se intoarce la marul cel mai frumos. Arhanghelul ii mai trage una si ii spune:
"Ai, muncit, ai facut planul, ai depasit planul dar ia si tu un mar de pe jos ca ala pe care-l vrei e pentru export!"
un fruct cred ca era mai corect :)
Foarte tare şi foarte adevărat... Acum nici mere nu sunt, că e secetă. Poate o stenogramă... :D
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