Europarlamentarul PDL Rareş Niculescu a anunţat, vineri, că adresat celor 785 de membri ai Parlamentului European o scrisoare deschisă, ca reacţie la un demers similar al episcopului Laszlo Tokes, care a prezentat "într-o lumină falsă" un incident petrecut la Cluj-Napoca în 15 martie.
Într-o scrisoare transmisă, vineri, deputatul PDL îşi exprimă dezamăgirea faţă de demersul lui Tokes, susţinând că acesta i-a dezinformat pe parlamentarii europeni prin prezentarea unei versiuni "unice şi neadevărate" a unui incident care a avut loc în Cluj-Napoca.
"Domnul Tokes pretinde că, cu această ocazie, un student maghiar a fost bătut de participanţii la o «demonstraţie anti-maghiară». Sunt nevoit să protestez faţă de această afirmaţie. În realitate, după cum a dovedit şi investigaţia derulată de Poliţie, studentul despre care scrie Tokes a fost atacat de doi indivizi care nu aveau nici o legătură cu «demonstraţia anti-maghiară» invocată, într-un loc complet diferit al oraşului”, a arătat Niculescu.
Potrivit acestuia, cei doi indivizi, tineri suporteri violenţi ai unei echipe locale de fotbal, au fost identificaţi şi vor suporta consecinţe judiciare.
"Acest incident este regretabil, iar cei doi agresori merită o pedeapsă severă. Totuşi, este profund imoral să se sugereze că acest act de huliganism ar fi avut de-a face cu o «demonstraţie anti-maghiară». Făcând acest lucru, Tokes dovedeşte un fapt pe care îl cunoaştem cu toţii - că agenda politică a domniei sale are un singur punct, cel de a câştiga susţinere electorală prin otrăvirea relaţiilor dintre românii şi maghiarii din România", a susţinut eurodeputatul PDL.
Rareş Niculescu l-a acuzat pe Tokes că întreaga carieră politică a acestuia se bazează pe această strategie.
"Tokes nu are intenţia de a înţelege că în România nu există conflicte interetnice, mai ales în Cluj-Napoca, oraş binecunoscut pentru universitatea sa multiculturală, care oferă oportunităţi egale pentru studiu în limba maternă pentru studenţi de origine română, maghiară şi germană", a mai spus Rareş Niculescu.
El a subliniat faptul că primarul municipiului Cluj-Napoca, Emil Boc, "nu avea nicio bază legală pentru a refuza autorizarea manifestaţiei respective; într-o societate democratică, oricine are dreptul de a vorbi, chiar şi cei cu care nu suntem de acord".
Episcopul reformat Laszlo Tokes l-a sesizat, în cadrul unei întrevederi desfăşurate miercuri, pe preşedintele Parlamentului European, Hans Gert Pottering, cu privire la "reprimarea şi umilirea continuă a minorităţii maghiare din Transilvania".
Tokes a declarat, joi, într-o conferinţă de presă, că i-a înmânat preşedintelui PE "un pachet de documente" în sprijinul afirmaţiei sale.
Este vorba de mai multe decupaje din ziare de limbă maghiară care apar în România, potrivit cărora în 15 martie, de Ziua Naţională a Maghiarilor de Pretutindeni, dar şi de Paştele catolic şi reformat, mai mulţi etnici maghiari ar fi fost agresaţi de autorităţile române.
Rareş-Lucian Niculescu (n. 29 august 1976, Cluj-Napoca) este un politician democrat din România, de profesie politolog. La alegerile europarlamentare din 2007 a fost ales eurodeputat din partea PD. Este membru al Comisiei pentru Libertati Civile, Justitie si Afaceri Interne si membru supleant al Comisiei pentru Afaceri Juridice a Parlamentului European.

Aceasta scrisoare deschisa a fost adresata tuturor celor 785 de membri Parlamentului European, ca reactie la un demers similar al episcopului Laszlo Tokes, care prezenta, intr-o lumina falsa, un recent incident petrecut la Cluj-Napoca.
Dear Members of the European Parliament,
Dear colleagues,
I am very disappointed to see that our colleague, Mr. Tokes Laszlo, has sent you a letter in which he tries to misinform you exposing his peculiar, untrue, version of a regrettable incident that took place in the town of Cluj-Napoca (Romania) on the 15 of March.
Mr. Tokes pretends that on this occasion a Hungarian student was beaten by the participants at an "anti-Hungarian demonstration".
I have to protest against this allegation.
In fact, as proven by the police investigation undertaken, the student Mr. Tokes is writing about was attacked by two individuals with no connection to the invoked "anti-Hungarian demonstration", in completely different part of the city.
These two individuals, young violent supporters of a local football team, were already identified and they will face criminal prosecution.
This incident is regrettable and the two aggressors deserve a severe punishment. But it is profoundly immoral to suggest that this act of hooliganism had anything to do with an "anti-Hungarian demonstration".
By doing so, Mr. Tokes is proving what we all are aware of: that his political agenda has only one point, to gain electoral support by empoisoning the relations between Romanians and Hungarians in Romania. His entire political career is based upon this strategy and obviously he has no intention to understand that in Romania there are no interethnic conflicts - especially in Cluj-Napoca, city well known for its multicultural university, which is providing equal opportunities for education, in their mother tongue, for students of Romanian, Hungarian and German ethnic origin.
I also want to stress the fact that the Mayor of Cluj-Napoca - the President of PDL, member of EPP, the party that I proudly represent in the European Parliament - had no legal grounds for denying authorization for this demonstration. In a democratic society, everybody has the right to speak, even those we don't agree with.
I want to remind Mr. Tokes that our citizens - Romanian and Hungarian as well - have set high hopes in Romania's accession to the European Union. They are hoping for a better life, for more freedom, for more democracy and for more justice. Our citizens expect from their MEP's to serve these priorities, and not to open ethnic battlefields in the European Parliament, as Mr. Tokes does.
Thank you for reading this letter I have only written to make available the truth about this incident that - unfortunately - one of our colleagues is trying to use in an immoral way.
Rares Niculescu
Member of the European Parliament
Mr. Tokes pretends that on this occasion a Hungarian student was beaten by the participants at an "anti-Hungarian demonstration".
I have to protest against this allegation.
In fact, as proven by the police investigation undertaken, the student Mr. Tokes is writing about was attacked by two individuals with no connection to the invoked "anti-Hungarian demonstration", in completely different part of the city.
These two individuals, young violent supporters of a local football team, were already identified and they will face criminal prosecution.
This incident is regrettable and the two aggressors deserve a severe punishment. But it is profoundly immoral to suggest that this act of hooliganism had anything to do with an "anti-Hungarian demonstration".
By doing so, Mr. Tokes is proving what we all are aware of: that his political agenda has only one point, to gain electoral support by empoisoning the relations between Romanians and Hungarians in Romania. His entire political career is based upon this strategy and obviously he has no intention to understand that in Romania there are no interethnic conflicts - especially in Cluj-Napoca, city well known for its multicultural university, which is providing equal opportunities for education, in their mother tongue, for students of Romanian, Hungarian and German ethnic origin.
I also want to stress the fact that the Mayor of Cluj-Napoca - the President of PDL, member of EPP, the party that I proudly represent in the European Parliament - had no legal grounds for denying authorization for this demonstration. In a democratic society, everybody has the right to speak, even those we don't agree with.
I want to remind Mr. Tokes that our citizens - Romanian and Hungarian as well - have set high hopes in Romania's accession to the European Union. They are hoping for a better life, for more freedom, for more democracy and for more justice. Our citizens expect from their MEP's to serve these priorities, and not to open ethnic battlefields in the European Parliament, as Mr. Tokes does.
Thank you for reading this letter I have only written to make available the truth about this incident that - unfortunately - one of our colleagues is trying to use in an immoral way.
Rares Niculescu
Member of the European Parliament
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Un Bravo! pentru Dragos N.
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